Magazines are a valuable resource for any language-literature. Because, only through magazines the creation can pave the way of modern era. Contemporary creation and research extend to a wide spectrum of people via magazines only. If a reader has experienced the taste of an artwork, his/her sentiments are easily conveyed to the other readers through these magazines. Experienced writers get a playground here to experiment and new riser get a chance to come to light by sitting in a row of mature talents and learning the lessons of art. Thus, both types of creativity and knowledge are nurtured through magazines. The magazine keeps abreast of current times by publishing the works of promising creators. On the other hand, an experienced researcher provides guidance to new researchers and practitioners by publishing a summary of the critic’s experiences in the form of an article. Additionally, there is documentary evidence of literature being written in literary magazines. As such, it has historical significance. In the future, such magazines will become the foundation of literary history.

      ‘Prayas An Extension…’ magazine serves as a catalyst for creative and exploratory / critical activities in Gujarati language literature. In addition to literature, it is a humble attempt to bring the creation and critique of fine arts such as painting, sculpture, music, drama, dance and photography on a single scale.

        The drawing in the logo of ‘Prayas An Extension…’ is an imitation of a beautiful sculpture ‘Pad Kamal’ by Shri Krishna Padiya. Shri Krishna Padiya will always be indebted to him for giving us the picture of his sculpture free of cost to use for a logo. 

  • ‘Prayas An Extension…’ is a bimonthly e-magazine. It will be published on the last day of February, April, June, August, October and December.
  • ‘Prayas An Extension…’ Magazine welcomes creative work in Gujarati language ​​and also welcomes literary research and critical essays.
  • ‘Prayas An Extension…’ magazine happily invites literature as well as other fine arts such as painting, architecture, music, drama, etc. to the audio-visual arts (in the form of image, video and audio).

      Gujarati language ​​has been a glorious tradition of literary magazines, there is no purpose other than an effort in this golden series apart from serving literature as a present-day episode. All of you have a very hearty greeting in this delightful land of literature.

       Come on, let’s celebrate creation and spirit together.